Theatre Arts for Kids is a challenging musical theatre arts program specially geared toward the young, aspiring performer interested in learning about, participating in, and producing musical theatre. Through teamwork and workshops, performers gain lifelong skills as they build self-esteem and develop leadership ability. Instruction is focused on vocal technique, musicianship, dance, actor training, and production professionalism. Special workshops in stage combat, performance artistry, improvisation, and auditioning will benefit students in all of their artistic endeavors. Theatre Arts for Kids provides the total theatre experience. From auditioning, rehearsing, polishing, and performing to warm-ups and exercises designed to enhance concentration and focus, the benefits of participating in TAFK are limitless.
Theatre Arts for Kids strives to make a performing arts education accessible to all students and families. Through the generosity of our patrons and sponsors, we may be able to offer a Scholarship to students who need financial assistance. Inquire about the availability of scholarships by contacting our Director at info@tafk.org.

Theatre Arts for Kids was born out of a passion and deep-seeded desire to educate children and young adults in the fundamentals of music and theatre at the highest level possible. Our Director has worked with students all over the continental U.S. from New York to California, Florida to Nebraska, and many places in between. Theatre Arts for Kids achieved official non-profit status in 2014 and is a culminating work of more than fifteen years of experience and growth.